Document Presented to VeteransLetter from Children
Parchment Document  Letter to Veterans from children
We the Children of the United States....
pledge to you our Servicemen and Women
to always remember your sacrifice....
Dear Veteran...
Posting the colors, Midland TexasThe entertainment beginsStar spangled showCol. Frank Hawk 
Children salute Veterans as they pass before the stage on the way to seatsThe colors are posted.....The show begins....The kids present Star Spangled entertainmentB-17 pilot Frank Hawk enjoys the show 
Rusk Elementary presents the 2005 version of it's salute to Veterans. Starting as a small presentation in the school auditorium, this annual event now must be held in the main hangar of the Commemorative Air Force in order to handle the crowds. Veterans are greeted and cheered by the children as they pass in front of the stage on the way to their seats. An hours worth of patriotic entertainment is performed and then the Vets are given a gift of remembrance. This year that was an impressive framed parchment document pledging that the kids would not forget the sacrifices of the Vets. Additionally, a letter from the kids to the Vets was enclosed. Among the many veterans of all wars, there was hardly a dry eye!