Sunday, April 19, 2009

Blogging anniversary...or two

The remembrance of my anniversary into blogging is not a high priority, but I should note it I suppose, if not a little late. Officially Streams came into being on March 9th 2002 with these sage remarks. Before that, however, my official entry using actual blogging technology came about in an earlier effort entitled, "Pedro's Dreamland" starting on June 18th, 2001.

And, even before I found "Blogger" and started using their ready made technology I had been producing a similarly formatted effort called "The Adventures of Pedro" which premiered on March 20, 2001. I produced this daily using photos and short stories of my dull daily life, using a new hand produced html page each and every day. Obviously this was some effort, so when I found that the newly introduced "Blogger" could do the same thing, the technology intrigued me and I starting using it. The old "Adventures of Pedro" are still up and can be seen here [all links at bottom]. These completely fabricated stories which started as a joke were, really, some of my best work and I actually had quite a following of readers.

What started out in 2001 as complete fun and moronic entertainment got lost, for awhile, in becoming too serious as blogging grew into a national pasttime and I had the mistaken impression that people really cared what I had to say on the deep issues of the day. So now, and maybe this is why I'm still around when others have tired of the effort; I post items that interest me, only when......I have items that interest me. I don't worry about putting up something everyday nor care much about entering into the fray of big stories. And generally I am more diligent about my daily photos at Eclectic Photography. But for those who occasionally still wander in after 8 years of blogging.....thanks.