Thursday, February 07, 2008

2001: A Time Odyssey....

Tonight, Turner Classic Movies aired "2001: A Space Odyssey". I've seen this many times over the years and I still like watching the first hour or so, the rest rather drags on after you've seen it so many times and the ending is a tad too '60s psychedelic for me. But what got to me tonight was the realization that this film was made 40 years ago. 40 years! Damn!

I suppose what is so brain fuddling about this is that "2001" still has a modern feel for a film made in 1968. The space ships look like they could have been designed last year as do all the computer screens that control the Saturn probe. I'm sure that the filmmakers thought that quite possibly, we'd be going to Saturn in 2001, 33 years after the film was made and that computers would be thinking entities competing with humans for control.

We've made some progress in this direction but fall woefully short in both of these areas. We landed men on the moon one year after "2001" came out but all we've done since 1972 is have humans circle the planet. The face recognition, reasoning powers and conversation synthesis of anything like the HAL 9000 may be another 40 years away.