Friday, February 23, 2007

Salute the Troops....

Mark Saturday, April 21st down on your calendar for what we anticipate will be an extraordinary event. I am involved with a small group of local citizens who wish to show that we do more than "support" the troops, we appreciate them!

On April 21st, in conjunction with the Rockhounds baseball team we will salute our troops and veterans. We have lined up a stellar group of speakers including Joe Galloway, author of the piece noted in the last post. Also, saying he is planning on it, is the Commanding General of one of the service branches [Sepmer Fi] and I am in contact with two other major military commanders who have personally led operations in Iraq, as in the whole show.

Through one of our members who is in the music business we are talking to two major recording artists, both showing great interest if they can arrange their schedules. Three high school bands, so far, have signed on, Jimmy Patterson will "live stream" the event to the world and I'm working on getting video interviews with area troops stationed in the Mid-East to say hell-o to the home folks via the "JumboTron" at the ballpark. Since Joe Galloway and I will spend three days next week with many of the notables featured in "We Were Soldiers", we have a good chance of snagging their participation including two Medal of Honor awardees.

Of course, the main focus of our salute will be on veterans and active duty troops involved in defending America and probably most importantly to recognize the area families whose sons and daughters have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. We are working on contacting them.

We met today with the general manager of the Rockhounds and not only did he give us the green light to proceed, he was more than enthusiastic in offering their support. Our event should start around or 5 p.m. with the baseball game starting at 6:30, although our events and tributes will also be running between innings. All this for maybe a buck or two more than the price of a regular baseball ticket. Oh yeah, did I mention Vietnam era helicopters landing in the outfield. I snagged permission to do that today too!