Camera sic transit...
Eureka! My Nikon has arrived. Knowing that UPS hits this neighborhood beteen noon and 1:30 I stuck around so there would be no mistake in leaving my prize. And voila, the brown truck showed up right on time. Having used borrowed Nikon's recently I was able to set the camera up and in no time at all had my first shot. Impressive right out of the box with no adjustments. I've taken this shot many times with the old Sony and the clarity outside was always lost with the camera compensating for the dark interior. No more.......
Eureka! My Nikon has arrived. Knowing that UPS hits this neighborhood beteen noon and 1:30 I stuck around so there would be no mistake in leaving my prize. And voila, the brown truck showed up right on time. Having used borrowed Nikon's recently I was able to set the camera up and in no time at all had my first shot. Impressive right out of the box with no adjustments. I've taken this shot many times with the old Sony and the clarity outside was always lost with the camera compensating for the dark interior. No more.......