Wednesday, January 11, 2006


The picture above is of my brother Mark[r] and Me[l] with Speaker of the Texas House Tom Craddick who was in town to announce legislation proclaiming the Craig boys as "Texans of the Decade".

Well not really, that may come later. What Tom was in town for was to announce our Blakemore Planetarium renovation program for which he was instrumental in getting the funding. Our planetarium is a great civic asset but has become worn and dated over the years. That is about to change with the complete renovation of the present building, construction of a new education building and the installation of a digital projection system to give us IMAX type experiences.

We will also focus on distance learning to serve the very large geographic area that we cover which will include data links to the McDonald Observatory which will enable us to view real time projections of what they see on their world class telescopes. In fact McDonald is so excited about the possibilities that Dr. David L. Lambert, head of astronomy at the University of Texas and director of the McDonald was in attendance today and will have lunch with several of us tomorrow to chart our course.

Interest in the project was gratifying. In attendance at the press announcement this morning were the Mayor and a former mayor, two county commissioners, a city councilman, Dr. David Daniels the President of Midland College and two senior representatives from the University of Texas, Permian Basin. Brother Mark, a recently retired Deputy Director of NASA is our honorary chairman and flew in from Houston to deliver the keynote address. We thank all those who help make the two years of work on this project come to fruition.

The Sky's, and Stars, are the limit in Midland Texas.