Sunday, September 18, 2005

Old Midland Update.....

Most Bloggers spend the time on their Internet journals for personal reasons and would probably make the effort to dispense their wit, wisdom and items of interest no matter what.'s nice to know that someone is out there reading the fruits of their efforts. As you know doubt recall I'm working on a website dedicated to Midland past, which features some places of interest to me personally and more so now old photos of Midland as it grew. This week I received an email from Andrew Custer in Seattle who wandered across the site and had this to add about "The 007 Room" as featured on the site.
Hello Wallace,

I grew up in Midland from ’67 to the late 80’s. Thoroughly enjoyed your photo essay on “places long gone.” During my trips to visit my father and stepmother, I still enjoy driving my wife around, pointing places out from my childhood, and telling stories. Pity her!

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that the 007 was previously called The Egyptian Room. There used to be a back room where the regulars would play dominos and cards. They still had a lot of the original Egyptian-ish paintings. Mummies, pharaohs, etc. When I heard they were shutting down, friends and I went in for a ‘lil’ drank’ and asked about them, but they were given out as keepsakes to some of the good old customers. I remember they had the tabs tallied up on a piece of poster board on the wall. Some of the amounts were in the thousands of dollars. I can’t say I didn’t recognize a few names. Also, it appeared in the movie Waltz Across Texas, which I forced my wife to watch with me a couple of weeks ago.

As for Peyton’s, I always remember on my birthdays careening over to the red and white, candy-striped packages, knowing exactly where they came from.

Enjoy your sites. Visit them regularly. Keep it up.

Andrew Custer
Seattle, WA
Thanks Andrew glad you enjoyed the visit!