Sunday, August 21, 2005

Down at the FUMC...

Things were hopping down at the First United Methodist Church [the FUMC] this morning. By the way it's the 120th anniversary of the FUMC this year which may not seem like a long time if you live in England but in West Texas anything that's been around for 120 years is a big deal. Those Methodists ranchers were a devout lot and led the pack in setting up a church. The Presbyterian sheep herders weren't far behind.

People make a church and I had to laugh at several comments made to the person seated in front of us this morning. We were seated far to the rear in order that Julie could make an early exit in order to go home and start dinner for our parents who were coming over at noon. The older gentlemen in the next pew was by himself, but apparently he was not without a bevy of good buddies. One man passed him by, stopped, and then came back and said, "hey Bill good to see you......when did you get out of jail"? Shortly thereafter another older man strolled by and casually said to Bill, "you know you'd get a lot more out of this if you'd move to a pew near the front". Good natured banter which just struck me as humorous.....

And now a feature not seen in a long time, the "picture of the day". Or, perhaps better titled, "the picture of whenever I feel like putting a new one up". The POD can be found at: Stream Views