Sunday, March 06, 2005

Eleven [11]......

Today is March the 6th, the day that the Alamo fell. And so did I, but in my case a fall that was followed by a rise from the ashes. It was today, eleven years ago that I escaped the grips of alcohol and became a sober and somewhat sane individual. The anniversary of our sobriety is a big deal to many of us, though we usually celebrate it in a spirit of humble gratitude.

And so big deal that it is, I'll simply say that the victory did not come cheaply nor easily and that without the help of some very special family and friends I would not be here today...literally. On this my birthday, I cannot help remembering one of my closest childhood friends, Rufe, who in spite of our efforts did not make it out of the grips of alcohol and who drank himself to death at the age of 50. There but for the Grace of God go I, and I try not to forget that. My life depends upon it.