Happy New Year.....
Happy New Year indeed. That's about all I can muster up today in the form of witty bon mots. I've been in rather a vegetative state for the last two days, not so much in pain really as just a post operative illness that renders me rather ineffectual at most anything useful at all. Such as thinking. Which is sad really since all physical activities have been banned for the next week, thinking was all I had. But I suppose that yesterday and today was custom made for someone with a lack of cognative skills due to illness and pain medication. Football on TeeVee for twelve straight hours was custom made for someone in my condtition and I have taken full advantange of it though I have slept through a few key plays.
I got up from the TeeVee to write this short note and to see if my legs still work. Now with both accomplished, I must get back to the television and to whatever bowl is being featured now.......
Happy New Year indeed. That's about all I can muster up today in the form of witty bon mots. I've been in rather a vegetative state for the last two days, not so much in pain really as just a post operative illness that renders me rather ineffectual at most anything useful at all. Such as thinking. Which is sad really since all physical activities have been banned for the next week, thinking was all I had. But I suppose that yesterday and today was custom made for someone with a lack of cognative skills due to illness and pain medication. Football on TeeVee for twelve straight hours was custom made for someone in my condtition and I have taken full advantange of it though I have slept through a few key plays.
I got up from the TeeVee to write this short note and to see if my legs still work. Now with both accomplished, I must get back to the television and to whatever bowl is being featured now.......