Tuesday, May 18, 2004

High octane B.S......

I've heard it all now. I caught just about 4 minutes of the big network news lead story before I headed out to little league baseball tonight. And this was about 3 minutes too long.

The story was this, "Democrats blame Bush for high gas prices...." I thought that perhaps my tinnitus ridden ears were deceiving me, but no, there was talking head Kerry, lips moving on that horse face, spewing out something blah, blah, blah about the Republicans being at fault for $2 gas. My question to you is this. Have they gone completely insane? Do they really think that they're talking to morons? Even the common folk who send mass emails about vetoing "big oil", I suspect, remember it was the liberal Democrats who have consistantly voted against a national energy policy that would give a few more incentives to us energy producers here in the heartland to develop more Amerkan oil and gas. And wasn't it the liberal Democrats who led the fight against drilling in ANWAR, the artic oil fields, to develop more Amerkan oil? And am I wrong or wasn't it John Kerry hissownself who has a chip in his platform suggesting that we raise the gasoline tax by the small sum of 50 cents per gallon. Payable by you the voter who is assumed to be so stupid as not to remember just who proposed this tariff when it comes time to pay at the pump. The same John Kerry who uses more than his share of fuel powering a fleet of SUV's and a plethora of mansions that "his family" owns.

Have I been living in an alternate parallel universe these last several years or have the Democrats gone completely whacko? This was the most bizarre utterance I've heard from them yet. Or perhaps in turning off the TV I missed the meat of this well thought out arguement. Perhaps their theory now is that since they believed that the war in Iraq was promulgated for the sole reason of obtaining cheap Iraqi oil, Dubya ought to now be delivering the goods. How tragic that oil is at an all time high. I'm going to think about this further as I drive my big car around to empty the tank. I'm going to be filling it up on May 19th.