The energy scholar...
Supposed nominee John Kerry has today come out with some specifics concerning his "energy policy". I suspect that the closest scrape that John has had with the energy markets is ordering his chauffeur to go fill up one of his "family's" SUV's. Some of his brilliance....
"Let's make sure our schools are focused on teaching our children, not heating the classrooms and paying for school bus diesel fuel."
Yes John, no matter what other weighty arguments might be delved into on the issue of energy, let's start out with this. Let's do it for the kids!
Kerry says he would spend $10 billion over 10 years on new plants to manufacture more fuel efficient vehicles
Clarify this please John, do you mean you and your wife's Heinz Pickle fortune are going to build plants, or do you mean that the Federal government is going to get into the hybrid car business. The way I understand a capitalist economy...when there is a viable market for hybrid cars, a private manufacturer will step forward and build a plant.
He says his administration would demand that other oil-producing nations increase supply.
Demand away John, but keep in mind that your demands fall on the ears of a group of sellers who don't particuarly like us and don't mind the Great Satan paying top dollar for their petroleum. Personal note John: I'd put "demanding" more oil way down on my list. And by the way, isn't throwing the weight of the U.S. around and demanding that sovereign nations do things with their own assets in direct violation of the liberals credo?
Kerry planned to focus on the national security threat posed by dependence on Middle East oil.
Playing both sides, as he is wont to do, John suggests that we use less of the foreign oil that he is also demanding that we get more of.
John, I'm sure that there is a brilliant man in there somewhere, but perhaps if you had ever had a real job you might realize how utterly full of gibberish you are when it comes to the real world.
Supposed nominee John Kerry has today come out with some specifics concerning his "energy policy". I suspect that the closest scrape that John has had with the energy markets is ordering his chauffeur to go fill up one of his "family's" SUV's. Some of his brilliance....
"Let's make sure our schools are focused on teaching our children, not heating the classrooms and paying for school bus diesel fuel."
Yes John, no matter what other weighty arguments might be delved into on the issue of energy, let's start out with this. Let's do it for the kids!
Kerry says he would spend $10 billion over 10 years on new plants to manufacture more fuel efficient vehicles
Clarify this please John, do you mean you and your wife's Heinz Pickle fortune are going to build plants, or do you mean that the Federal government is going to get into the hybrid car business. The way I understand a capitalist economy...when there is a viable market for hybrid cars, a private manufacturer will step forward and build a plant.
He says his administration would demand that other oil-producing nations increase supply.
Demand away John, but keep in mind that your demands fall on the ears of a group of sellers who don't particuarly like us and don't mind the Great Satan paying top dollar for their petroleum. Personal note John: I'd put "demanding" more oil way down on my list. And by the way, isn't throwing the weight of the U.S. around and demanding that sovereign nations do things with their own assets in direct violation of the liberals credo?
Kerry planned to focus on the national security threat posed by dependence on Middle East oil.
Playing both sides, as he is wont to do, John suggests that we use less of the foreign oil that he is also demanding that we get more of.
John, I'm sure that there is a brilliant man in there somewhere, but perhaps if you had ever had a real job you might realize how utterly full of gibberish you are when it comes to the real world.