Wednesday, May 19, 2004

>Book 'em Dano....Murder One!

It's my sad duty to inform you that Kono played by Zulu is dead. Or is that Zulu played by Kono? Kono was the crime fighting protege of Kam Fong played by Chin Ho.....or is that Chin Ho played by Kam Fong?

Actually actor Zulu, who played Kono, was really named Gilbert Francis Lani Damian Kauhi and he died May 3rd at the age of 66. I found this out tonight while following some inane link from James Lileks to the very bowels of the Internet. I was shocked, I had not heard. But I suppose that other events took precedence, though why I won't conjecture. Suffice it to say I'll miss Kono, Zulu and Gilbert; we were all close. I took the photo above in Hawaii in 1974. while Zulu, Kono, Gilbert and I were watching Prince Charles play polo on the North Shore of Oahu. People of a certain age will remember that this was at the height of popularity of the TeeVee show "Hawaii 50" and occasionally we used to see the stars around the island. Zulu played Jack Lord's sidekick. I used to see Jack at the supermarket in Hawaii Kai. He looked exactly like he did on TeeVee, except worse. Zulu looked exactly the same, except better. Will miss you Brah, Geev 'um!