Merde en Francais
So now France seems to be in the sights of the Islamofacists. According to a letter purportedly written by a local arm of the peace loving group Al Queda, the letter warrns that, "We will plunge France into terror and remorse, and we will make blood run to your borders." Further describing France as as a country of "wine, pigs, loose morals and nudity," the letter warns that "France will not be secure in its own country nor at its interests abroad."
I cannot help but agree with the assesment of France's morals, and I certainly don't want to see bloodshed, but I wouldn't mind seeing some remorse from the French, for once. Some remorse for believing that if perhaps we were just more respectful of Islam, or just nicer to Arabs, or perhaps sold their dicatators more weapons that then they'd go back to their goat skin tents and leave the civilized world alone.
And what has brought on this sudden vengefulness against the French. They have outlawed the wearing of the Muslim head cover in their schools. Actually more of a "political correctness" move than a slam agains Islam, since religous symbols of all varieties were banned, be they Christian, Jewish or Hindu. Hopefully, the attacks won't happen, but it would be very interesting to see the reaction from the Left if a European country were attacked just for being PC. Who would they blame the violence on then? Oh, I know, somehow the U.S., but sane people would know that they were full of Limberger.

I cannot help but agree with the assesment of France's morals, and I certainly don't want to see bloodshed, but I wouldn't mind seeing some remorse from the French, for once. Some remorse for believing that if perhaps we were just more respectful of Islam, or just nicer to Arabs, or perhaps sold their dicatators more weapons that then they'd go back to their goat skin tents and leave the civilized world alone.
And what has brought on this sudden vengefulness against the French. They have outlawed the wearing of the Muslim head cover in their schools. Actually more of a "political correctness" move than a slam agains Islam, since religous symbols of all varieties were banned, be they Christian, Jewish or Hindu. Hopefully, the attacks won't happen, but it would be very interesting to see the reaction from the Left if a European country were attacked just for being PC. Who would they blame the violence on then? Oh, I know, somehow the U.S., but sane people would know that they were full of Limberger.