Saturday, February 14, 2004

While the Mrs. is away......

The wife and mother is away for the weekend on a ladies church retreat. Deserting us on Valentines Day. We hope she is having a swell time, 'cause the boys at home sure are.

It's just 10 y.o. Jack and me at the house. Last night we had Frito PieŠ for dinner with Valentines candy for desert. We then took in a Midland High basketball game and were out till 10 p.m. A rollicking good time. This morning up early for a breakfast of chocolate OvaltineŠ and donuts, no showers or change of underwear and then we were off to an 8:30 a.m. basketball game for Jack's youth league. Still no showers and then Jack departed for the movies with his GrandPa. While Jack was out, his girlfriend stopped by and was disappointed he wasn't home. So little time.

Tonight it's out on the town once again, as Jack and I are dining at Luigi's with some Italian cuisine. After that, who knows! Anything's possible with two guys on the loose. We may come home, put our pajamas on over our dirty underwear and socks and watch a manly DVD, like Toy Story II. We do miss Mom, but this bachelor male bonding is a needed thing sometimes.