Saturday, February 07, 2004

Oy Vey.....!
Julie says that she loves me because I'm so "quirky". I am rather quirky and artsy, mostly in a good way, but I have to remind her in all honesty that sometimes I'm just plain cranky, too.

Today I was cranky because I received FOURTEEN [14] bitmap format pictures in one email. The smallest was 350kb the largest over 500kb. And they were all supposed to be funny. It took 20 minutes for this email to download. During which time I had a hard time uploading files to my server for a website I'm trying to finish. By the time the photos arrived I didn't think that they were funny.

Please don't send large format image files in emails! Please don't send 14 image files in one email. If you send pictures via email, resize them and make them Jpeg format....or Gif. Please don't send Bitmap images in emails. Please........

And while I'm on a cranky roll.....please don't send me the 6 Mb Mpeg or Wav file of your favorite beer commercial with the Subject line reading: "Ha Ha Ha...! Have You seen this?" Chances are I have and I really don't feel like getting an email that takes 30 minutes to download and 20 seconds to play. Sorry, that's just the way I am.