This and that.....
I know that secretly some friends of mine chide my foolishness for having a WebCam. Fair enough, it is not a necessity of life by any means. But I like photography and sometimes I do new things in the digital realm just for the challenge and thrill of seeing if I can accomplish the task. Besides, we at home on Bedford Drive have fun with it, so we deem it worthwhile. But now, for the naysayers, comes word that a woman's webcam has saved her life. Kicked by her horse and incapacitated, Bev Holzrichter of Iowa credits her webcam viewers with helping her to receive assistance.
So, if you are a viewer of our webcam, The Bedford Cam© and you see me fall out of my chair in my underwear and hit my head [not to be confused with sleeping at the desk], please feel free to call for help. Now I remember why we got it. It's a medical response device.
And this in from the Associated Press:
(AP) -- "White men still dominate university professorships at the nation's top science and engineering schools, even where many of the doctoral students are women and minorities, according to the results of a survey released Thursday".
While I'm sure this release is designed to make liberals and minorities seeth with indignation, my thought is that this could mean that women and minorities are smarter than white men. In my experience top engineering and science workplace jobs pay one whole enchilada more than smarmy professorships. Just a thought.
I know that secretly some friends of mine chide my foolishness for having a WebCam. Fair enough, it is not a necessity of life by any means. But I like photography and sometimes I do new things in the digital realm just for the challenge and thrill of seeing if I can accomplish the task. Besides, we at home on Bedford Drive have fun with it, so we deem it worthwhile. But now, for the naysayers, comes word that a woman's webcam has saved her life. Kicked by her horse and incapacitated, Bev Holzrichter of Iowa credits her webcam viewers with helping her to receive assistance.
So, if you are a viewer of our webcam, The Bedford Cam© and you see me fall out of my chair in my underwear and hit my head [not to be confused with sleeping at the desk], please feel free to call for help. Now I remember why we got it. It's a medical response device.
And this in from the Associated Press:
(AP) -- "White men still dominate university professorships at the nation's top science and engineering schools, even where many of the doctoral students are women and minorities, according to the results of a survey released Thursday".
While I'm sure this release is designed to make liberals and minorities seeth with indignation, my thought is that this could mean that women and minorities are smarter than white men. In my experience top engineering and science workplace jobs pay one whole enchilada more than smarmy professorships. Just a thought.