Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Five Decades of Images....

It has occured to me from time to time while reviewing thousands of photos I have taken and stored in digital format, and while organizing the many more thousands I have in printed form....that I have been shooting photographic images for over five decades now. I intend to do a retrospective on a web gallery soon, but time is lacking at the present.

While going through an album of my early mementoes with Julie the other night, I came across some of my earliest photos. So from time to time I'll share a few of these with you. The first is an image taken with the first camera I remember owning....the time honored Kodak Brownie which shot in 135mm. format producing square prints. This shot was taken on a family vacation, driving from Midland Texas to the Seattle World's Fair in 1963. The shot is of the ancient Anasazi Indian cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde, Colorado. I was 13 y.o. at the time.

Five Decades of Images