Sunday, December 14, 2003

'A dark era is over'.......

'A dark era is over', when I saw that headline on CNN, I thought that surely they were talking about my experience of the last week. Moving Julie's household out of her old residence and into the new. But no! The good news was that Saddam had been captured at last. There is indeed glorious news today. Saddam behind bars, and I'm through moving.

But as the picture above shows, Saddam's experience and mine were apparently very similar.....making us into haggard disheveled old men, downtrodden by our circumstances, defeated and lacking the will to go on. However while Saddam hopefully will be drowned in a vat of acid, or chopped up in a tree grinder, or maybe burned at the stake, I will recover and be living with a beautiful blonde. Ain't democracy and freedom great!