Wednesday, October 29, 2003

The Oil Field.....
I love the oil business, and not just for the money. Quite frankly, most of the time we in the industry don't make as much as the popular consensus or the press ascribes to us. Most of us are not J.R. Ewing. Most of us make a pretty good living, but I dare say that the across the board wages in say, the computer industry, are higher than the average of all those in the energy industry.

One of the things I like about the business is that we are working for ourselves and have a chance to be innovative without asking permission from any higher authorities. Also...truthfully, I love the chance to go out of doors, which is where I prefer to be...and to work with big powerful Bubba type equipment. At least be around it. Not to offend anyone, but it's still pretty much of a mans world out in the oil field.

One of the several creeping changes in the oil business in West Texas is the fact that newly found deposits are increasingly rare. Therefore we come up with ways to better utilize the fields that have been found in the past. One of these methods is to go into old wells that have drained dry their original producing formation, and to try to produce from another untried zone. A "recompletion" we term them. We are currently recompleting a well in Andrews County Texas, attempting to coax more oil from the top of the Devonian formation, the lower half of the zone having been depeleted. Others within close proximity have had some success in this, and for about one third the cost of drilling a brand new well, it is worth the effort to try. This old well was plugged, that is....all the possible producing zones in the well bore have been covered with concrete and now this material must be drilled out in order for us to reach the Devonian over 12,000 ft. below. Catch a glimpse of this operation at the Linaka re-entry photo site.