Monday, October 06, 2003

In the News.....

Ask anyone from around my hometown to pinpoint the location of the photo above and most assuredly they would answer, "Well, it's certainly West Texas, and if I had to guess I would say probably down around Rankin or maybe over in Glasscock County on the road to San Angelo". These would be excellent guesses, but would be off be many, many thousands of miles. I was stunned when I saw this image, for the photo was taken right outside of my sister city of Coober Pedy, Australia.

With only the barest of information that I had at the time, I had an inkling that Coober Pedy was in fact much like West Texas, from the local geography right down to the good folks who are mostly scratching a living out of the earth as we do here. I had seen a few photos of the city of Coober Pedy, and had somehow imagined that it was purely flat, but now I can visualize mesas in the distance with scrub brush and perhaps some dry stream beds or as we call them....draws. It feels just like home.

The current edition of The Coober Pedy News features yet another similarity between these Outback Aussies and those of us in West Texas, an interest in horses. Excitement reigns in CP, as the horse racing track is now set to open again after a haitus caused by loss of proper insurance. And I feel that my journalism career has been given a big boost as I have a nice mention by Gary [scroll down].

And if you are in the market for quality opals or just want to view some of these gorgeous stones go to Nick's site Opal Mines Online