Friday, September 26, 2003

McGovern Now!.......
For those to young to remember, that was George McGovern's campaign slogan in 1972. George was a very significant figure in 20th century American politics, and although I can't subscribe to many of his more liberal ideas, I have to say that I do admire the man. He came from the era when morals, ethics and political conduct mattered to candidates and to voters.

That is until his opponent Richard Nixon helped to change the game. Senator McGovern was the Democratic candidate for president in '72 and his campaign was the object of Nixon's Watergate break in. McGovern gained his strength from the ever increasing anti-war movement as the Vietnam War dragged on into its 7th year of combat.

The Senator was in town today and at the air show to honor author Stephen Ambrose. Senator McGovern is the subject of Ambrose's best seller The Wild Blue, for while he championed the peace movement, he himself was a warrior. McGovern flew 35 combat missions over Germany as the pilot of a B-24, winning the Distinquished Flying Cross. So, putting personal politics aside it was great to get to greet him [that's me behind him] and to pay our respects to his accomplishments. And Julie got to say hell-o to the authors son, Andy Ambrose, and give him best wishes from the man she works for, who had known Stephen Ambrose.

Tomorrow, the Air Sho starts in earnest! My troops and equipment are ready.