Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I knew it.....!
Research reported in the British Journal of Ophthalmology on Tuesday showed that a tight necktie elevates blood pressure in the eye, raising the risks of developing glaucoma. I would add that my studies show that it also adds to the risk of tinnitus...or ringing in the ears. My eyes aren't the greatest anymore and I have had tinnitus for a decade, at least that's what I think they said.....I couldn't hear the doctor all that well.

Thankfully we here in Midland Texas were well aware of the deadly necktie syndrome years ago. We don't wear ties here except to church and most funerals. Those who do wear ties [along with the dreaded "Suit"] are undesireable types such as lawyers, bankers and people from big cities like New York. This informal dress code has it's advantages in that if we see someone approaching on the street wearing a necktie, we can be fairly certain that they fall into the "undesireable class" mentioned above and we can do our utmost to avoid them. It works fairly well, except when cornered in small confined places like offices or restaurants.

Having gone tieless for over 12 years now, I think I may have saved my eyesight, but the ringing in my ears [actually more of a whining, hissing sound] is permanent and has caused me much personal consternation. The doctors told me that most likely the tinnitus was caused by my years in the Army....of firing large weapons and having explosions and helicopter transmissions in close proximity to my ears.

But now I know better. It was the neckties. I'm not going to live like this anymore without some sort of financial compensation. Most of my assorted ties were nondescript brands of which the makers are probably now defunct. But......my two favorites, which I wore often were original Jerry Garcia's . I'll bet the Grateful Dead made a ton of money and being the socially responsible band that they are they probably have a permenant fund set up to take care of tinnitus victims like me.