Thursday, July 10, 2003

Hack 'em up.......
Last week's organized "hack-a-thon" involving one hell of a lot of work by the hackers, apparently only created some small degree of mischief. Defacing a few minor websites, knocking some off the web in denial of service attacks but generally small potatos stuff. Oh boy, big fun. Time not well spent.

Now I'm no hacker, I don't have the time nor the skills at this point. But it sure sounds interesting. I have thought for some time now that if I were a hacker I would use my skills for the good of mankind. That good would be knocking scumbag spammers off their digital perches. Slamming them, causing their servers to fry and if I could, blowing up their mobile homes via the Internet, generating fake messages telling them that their Rent-a-Center furniture is being repossesed and in general causing mischief designed to make their lives miserable.

Perhaps there are hackers out there at this very moment carrying out devious plans against these spamming scabs on the butt of humankind, but I never hear about them. And I would really like to. It would give me a vicarious pleasure. So if by some mistake my small site is hacked, here for you dear hacker is an IP address to start in on: They're home, I just heard from them tonight.

Go to the Spews Spam Report and read all about these criminals. Perhaps you'll recognize some of the fine products they want to sell you. From fake Viagra to fake sex.....they stock it all. Also notice that, as usual, the spamsite host declines to do anything about these vagrants. Where is a good hacker when we need one?