Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Letter from the Prime Minister...
It's not often that I get a letter from a world leader, but one came in the mail today. Arriving in a fairly nondescript envelope I almost threw it in the trash thinking it was another "special deal" offering a no interest credit card. I'm glad I didn't, for the letter was from Prime Minister John Howard of Australia. I had found his address on a link in down under Blogmate, Tim Blair's informative column and had jotted off a quick note to the Prime Minister thanking him for his steadfastness concerning Iraq, when so many other world weasels were scurrying for their holes.

I'm glad Mr. Howard found the time to write. And, OK, doubters I know you are saying........"form letter". Perhaps some of it is, but he does allude in paragraph 2 to my comments about the closeness those of us in the United States feel for our Aussie brethren...Texans in particular. And, I am basically a doubter too...so I wet my fingers and tried to smudge the ink. A successful smudge as seen on the signature. It's an inpiring letter, I hope you find the time to read it:
Prime Ministers Letter