Monday, May 19, 2003

Yo Mama's a Redneck...
It appears that my wardrobe has been saved by the US Supreme Court . The high court refused to hear arguments from a New Jersey school district that wished to ban students from wearing clothes identified as "Redneck" or having redneck sayings on them. The school district's logic was that clothing with redneck connections was used to harrass or indimidate other students of the non-redneck persuasion.

A specific slogan mentioned in the lawsuit was "How you know you are a redneck: You wear a baseball cap to bed, and You know the Hooter's menu by heart. Holy damn cow, these aren't offensive, these are trifling. If they want to hear offense redneck sayings, they should have emailed me. You want 'em, I got 'em. Not that I wear my little jewels on a T-shirt, but I have them ready for use at the proper occasion. Offensive redneck sayings need to have references to plywood porches on trailer homes, marrying your cousin who has no front teeth...these sorts of things stray towards the offensive. You wear a baseball cap to bed? This is offensive?

Really I'm a sophisticated redneck, a suave and debonair redneck, but I have it in me none-the-less. Ask Julie. I admit here publicly that I on occasion chew Redman and occasionally when some bit slobbers off on my shirt, I consider the shirt still wearable for several more weeks. When I get a'holt of a good pair of shorts, or a T-shirt I like, you might plan on seeing it on me for extended lengths of time, like everyday. I don't see the need in getting a clean coffee cup out everyday just to put another cup of java in it. Having a dog sleep right next to my face don't bother me a lick. And I'll tell you up front I do have a Hooter's T-Shirt....given to me with love by Julie.

You'd think that the New Jersey school board would have more pertinent matters to consider than suing dumb ass redneck kids. Giving dumb assed redneck kids an education is one idea that comes to mind. What they were trying to litigate was a fashion statement. Redneck dress is no more insulting than the kids who wear baggy "shorts" that come down to their ankles or kids who wear nuts and bolts stuck through their tongues. In fact, if I was gonna' sue a kid, I'd go after the nuts and bolts crowd first...and they call rednecks stupid.