Tuesday, May 20, 2003

To all the Native American rain dancers who responded to my plea last week, a big Thank You. It is raining here today. Well we call it rain, really it's just wet. Folks in New Orleans or Seattle would consider the amount of moisture we've had today just spit in a bucket, but when you have had no rain all year you learn to alter you're perspectives. It has not been cloudy in, well I can't recall, but let's call it a coon's age. The dramatic change rather scared the Big Gold Dog who is a creature of habit and he was somewhat tentative about going outside this morning, thinking that perhaps he had awakened on a different planet.

And cool! Oh my, how delicious is cool when it's been so hot. We're talking a major league cool down today. About 50° cooler. The difference in 102° yesterday and 52° as I write will really get your attention. I had to wear a light coat on the morning dog walk today for the first time in months. So far in May we've had 10 days of over 100° temperatures and summer hasn't even started. Summer here proceeds on unceasingly until late September. I have to add, that although the final verdict on Global Warming is not in, there are indeed strange things going on with the weather in West Texas!