Monday, May 12, 2003

Achtung! Verboten!
From Tim Blair down under, comes a distressing story concerning the plight of one Herr Stefan Lukoschek and his protest against the German government. Stefan is angry with the Schroeder government and has painted "The Government is Crap" on the sides of his Yellow VW Bug. The German government, not being able to accept some critical thinking, is threatening to send Stefan to prison unless he removes his slogan.

Now this hits close, very close, to home with us. Julie drives a Yellow VW Bug and and someday we might just want to slap a slogan of our choosing on the door. As long as we don't espouse the violent overthrow of the government, racial hatred, criminal activities or try to advertise tacos for sale without a permit, we are free to paint whatever slogans we wish on our Yellow VW Bug. We are grateful that we live in Texas, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, where we can paste slogans critical of the German Government on our Yellow Bug without the threat of prison hanging heavy on our heads. And if the German government secret agents read this, don't bother to send your Jack Booted Storm Troopers here, our Yellow VW Bug is parked right under our symbol of slogan freedom....the Stars and Stripes!

If you own a Yellow VW Bug, now is the time to speak out! Don't let the left wing fanatics trample on your right to put slogans on your Bug! Today political slogans, tomorrow Smiley Faces!