Saturday, April 19, 2003

After watching CNN tonight, fawning over the recently released POW's, I have to add my own thoughts on the matter. I'm glad they are back home, I know they and their families went through some trying days, and things could have ended much more tragically. Again, thank God they are back home.

However, they are not heroes. They were put in the situation of being POW's by the luck of the draw and bad map reading on someone's part. Not that I don't know this can happen to the best of us in the military, but it was a mistake none the less. They were prisoners somewhere in the neighborhood of three weeks. I have met some of the POW's from Vietnam who were kept captive in brutal conditions for five, six, or seven years. Three weeks is not years. The darling of the media POW story, PFC. Lynch, was captive for only days, and was found hiding under a sheet. I'm glad she is back and will be OK, but she is not a hero.

Who are the heroes of the story? First the two or more brave Iraqi's who reported the location of the Americans. Secondly the Rangers and Special Operations soldiers who raided the compound where Lynch was being held.

Where are their stories?