An open letter to Baghdad Bob.....
Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf or may I call you Bob? I am as American as apple pie, I am an ex-American army officer, I was for this military action against the Iraqi regime.....and yet I have to say with all candor, that I miss you. I know that as a stooge of Saddam you were only doing your duty as you saw fit, producing some of the greatest lies mankind has ever produced, yet you did this with grace, honor and a sense of diginity not often seen in the media these days.
Steadfast in your duty, you were our daily warped inverse look at how the war was going. Your greatest whoppers told us that things were going well. While all the assorted scum around you ran for their lives, you were there for us, brightening our day with your merry good wit. While journalists of the world gave us innuendo, double talk and conjecture, there you stood, beret held high, telling us the complete truth as you saw it, made up on the spot. And we felt your pain, the pain of lying for murderers and criminals!
Bob, we the American people are a forgiving nation and I personally will hold no ill feeling, no grudge against you. You were not even included in the "death card" pack, a sign that the healing has begun already. We wish you well in your hiding place and hope that you can continue your remarkable career in other endeavors in the media. The opportunities are many. CNN needs professional liars. Hollywood celeberties need professional liars. The BBC needs professional spin men. Game shows need hosts adroit in their speech. I remember one of your pithy, inspiring quotes while speaking of the coalition forces, "Who are in control, they are not in control of anything - they don't even control themselves!" Bob, this is the spirit that made you great, don't let one little defeat keep you down. I hope to see you back on the air soon.
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