Gen. Ali Hassan al-Majeed
The Minister of Information, People's Republic of Iraq announces with deep regret the untimely demise of Gen. Ali Hassan al-Majeed. Ali died peacefully in his sleep of natural causes related to recurring heart problems. Because of his tireless work in humanitarian assistance, the Iraqi people affectionately knew Ali as "Chemical Ali".
He will be deeply missed by his many friends, supporters and relatives, among them his beloved cousin Saddam. Speaking on behalf of the family his nephew LeRoy Hussein said, "Uncle Ali had a deep and abiding interest in helping mankind thru chemistry. I remember from the youngest age, when Ali got his first "My Lil' Scientist" chemistry set he would always push his experiments to the limit...and he could make the best "Stink Bombs" with only his limited knowledge".
Many friends and close observers had noted that recently Ali had not been looking well, with many of his facial features running with pus laden sores and blister like scabs. The Minister of Information noted that these symptons are common in patients with advanced heart disease.