Saturday, March 15, 2003

Why did the Chick cross the road?......
The Dixie Chicken's singer Natalie Mange is now singing a different tune. In a case of what came first, the Chick or the egg, Natalie has appologized for her recent statement in which she said that she was sorry that President Bush is from Texas.

The Chick, apparently being of a lower mental caliber, didn't realize that statements made in Europe could be transmitted back to the US. Realizing that she now has to come back to America, and presumably her home in Texas, Natalie wished to rephrase her statement. She indicated that what she really meant to say was, "I love George W. Bush, worked on his campaign, and would be his love slave if he weren't an honorably married man. And I just want my Texas fans to know that I have purchased an AR-15 rifle and 300 rounds of .223 ball ammunition and have offered to go to Iraq and pick off a few human shields". The fact that almost every radio station in Texas has been bombarded with hate mail against the Chicks was also viewed as a factor in this latest statement.

This is a nice attempt Natalie, but the egg is out of the cartoon, the true nature of your feelings is exposed. Perhaps you and the other Nitwits of Fame will heed a proverb that I learned long ago........."Never miss a good chance to shut up!"