Thursday, March 20, 2003

War Chronicle Tidbits......

Thank you to CNN for this detailed and graphic picture of the battle as it is shaping up! Note: we are winning, notice blue line is longer than red line.

In a very short but very interesting interview on ABC news with Hans Blix, he gave his personal thoughts on Iraq. When asked whether Iraq had WMD, Dr. Blix said, "well we didn't find any, but undoubtedly they do". About his personal relationship with Saddam, Blix, chuckled and said, "Well I never met the man, he thinks that he is the Emporer of Mesopotamia and would not deign to talk to someone as lowly as me".

Dan Rather:
It is now being reported that U.S. Marines have crossed from Kuwait into Iraq, somewhere near the Iraqi border.
Huh, how's that Dan?

Reporter to SecDef Rumsfeld:
Sir, now that the scheduled plans for the start of the war have changed, is this upsetting things?
SecDef Rumsfeld:
Well, I don't really believe we made you a party to the plans have we? Next question.