Sunday, March 23, 2003

The hard facts....
"There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell."
Gen. William Tecumsah Sherman

Refugees flood in....
Just as predicted by the anti-war demonstrators, a virtual tidal wave of refugees have flooded into Syria by the tens of thousands. NO wait, make that 14 refugees. Another big disappointment for the "antis".

Eternal French Optimism....
In a bold statement, the economic minister of France, Frances Mer, thinks that the backlash against his country is over.

"In the last year, or rather in the last six months, I think the Iraqi events have already created negative consequences that France regrets now," Francis Mer told LCI television and RTL radio. "I'm not saying that to deny the intensity of the Iraqi problems, but the main part of the negative consequences from the Iraqi crisis is behind us," he said.

Think again Frog Face.... as we will no doubt discover more examples of French duplicity in Iraq.