Sunday, March 09, 2003

God Speed..!
I received the email below from Tim Millar today, a friend from the Ia Drang Vietnam, We Were Soldiers, bunch with whom I am connected. The email is from a friend of his, Linda, a Senior Flight Attendant with American Airlines who volunteered to work troop shuttle flights to the Middle East. Her idea is to line the inside of the aircraft with printed emails of support for our young men and women who may soon be in harms way. What won�t fit on the walls will be passed around so that every soldier on that plane will know that we are all behind them 100%. Hope you can help........!

"I am one of thousands of volunteers who are working military charters to fly our troops over to the Middle East. On my last trip the one thing that stood out to me is how important it is for our troops to know that we care. Protests are making a big splash in the media and that's what they are leaving home with. Regardless of our position on war itself, I believe it is important to thank all these men and women who are putting their lives on hold and heading for the dangers on the tip of the spear.

I would like to collect as much e-mail as possible to print out and take with me on the next trip and display them on our aircraft walls for the troops to read. I know it would be so uplifting for them. Veterans, parents with children, teachers with students -- anyone who wants to express their support for our men and women, please send your e-mails to".

Thank you one and all,