Europe reacts.....
French President Jacques Ch-Iraq, in anticipating an anglo coalition victory in Iraq, is vowing that the U.S. and the U.K. will not have a leading role in the reconstruction of the country. Jacques is tres irate. Insiders say that if the US and it's allies persist in thwarting his efforts he will consider military action. He has made secret plans to call up his elite troops including Le Brigade d' Ballet, the Coq d' Vin Corps and the Royal Grenadiers d' Frommage. He is quoted as saying, "If the US and UK are itching for a fight, we'll give it to them.....just let them try and get through the Maginot Line!".
And in Germany the alert citizenary are starting to boycott American goods. Notably mentioned in the boycott are Budweiser, Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Marlboro products. And so, in another gift to the Germans from America we just might turn these chain smoking, pale, flabby, beer guzzling Aryan smarms into healthy people!
And from Dave Barry, an example of the trouble with the Germans
French President Jacques Ch-Iraq, in anticipating an anglo coalition victory in Iraq, is vowing that the U.S. and the U.K. will not have a leading role in the reconstruction of the country. Jacques is tres irate. Insiders say that if the US and it's allies persist in thwarting his efforts he will consider military action. He has made secret plans to call up his elite troops including Le Brigade d' Ballet, the Coq d' Vin Corps and the Royal Grenadiers d' Frommage. He is quoted as saying, "If the US and UK are itching for a fight, we'll give it to them.....just let them try and get through the Maginot Line!".
And in Germany the alert citizenary are starting to boycott American goods. Notably mentioned in the boycott are Budweiser, Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Marlboro products. And so, in another gift to the Germans from America we just might turn these chain smoking, pale, flabby, beer guzzling Aryan smarms into healthy people!
And from Dave Barry, an example of the trouble with the Germans