Chicken dinner cancelled...
Well apparently the offer by Saddam of further inspections and a free chicken dinner did not pass muster with the Azore's conventioneers. The gauntlet is now thrown down, though who threw it is up for debate. Saddam by refusing to stop lying, or the Western Powers [minus] who have said "enough is enough" no more negotiating stunts, it's time to "lock and load" and rock n' roll.
Looking in hind sight on the last six months there are two things that strike me. I have felt for some time that if GWB had been a little less bellicose in public but instead had made the diplomatic circuit on the QT drumming up support from the doubters and undecideds, he would have come out in a better spot today. As one of my favorite Presidents, Teddy Roosevelt, said, "Talk softly but carry a big stick". Not that they would have all joined....hardly, but it might have cut down on much of the negative chatter from the ignorant.
Secondly, had the main body of weasels, Germany, France and Russia, put forth a solid front with the coalition of the free, perhaps Saddam might have been much more inclined to give the game up and retire to Corsica or some other vacation spot. But with three of his long time economic sponsors pledging peace at any cost, in additon to the peace marches by the naive and ignorant, he felt that once again he could worm his way out of a tight spot. Now because of the Weasels and peace marchers giving heart to Saddam, war is quite inevitable.
Of Course, this is all hindsight and speculation. But while I'm in that mode, my observation on how hostilities may begin. As of this writing the administration is deciding whether or not to give Saddam a deadline, 72 hours, to comply. Whether this limitation is set or not, is really unimportant. Saddam thinks, one way or the other he as 72 hours. And his experience in Desert Storm I was that immediately after the deadline passes, the bombs start to fall. I would let him think just that and perhaps carry out a few heavy sorties around the country every night to make him wonder, "is this it?" But the moon is full now, not a good environment for our night fighting armies and air forces. So make him keep his troops on high alert for weeks, and then deliver the main thrust. Nothing wears troops in defensive postions out quicker than being on alert for weeks on end.
There are two military geniuses from Midland, Texas.....myself and Gen. Tommy Franks and Tommy has the reins so I'll leave the details to him. He is up to the job!
Well apparently the offer by Saddam of further inspections and a free chicken dinner did not pass muster with the Azore's conventioneers. The gauntlet is now thrown down, though who threw it is up for debate. Saddam by refusing to stop lying, or the Western Powers [minus] who have said "enough is enough" no more negotiating stunts, it's time to "lock and load" and rock n' roll.
Looking in hind sight on the last six months there are two things that strike me. I have felt for some time that if GWB had been a little less bellicose in public but instead had made the diplomatic circuit on the QT drumming up support from the doubters and undecideds, he would have come out in a better spot today. As one of my favorite Presidents, Teddy Roosevelt, said, "Talk softly but carry a big stick". Not that they would have all joined....hardly, but it might have cut down on much of the negative chatter from the ignorant.
Secondly, had the main body of weasels, Germany, France and Russia, put forth a solid front with the coalition of the free, perhaps Saddam might have been much more inclined to give the game up and retire to Corsica or some other vacation spot. But with three of his long time economic sponsors pledging peace at any cost, in additon to the peace marches by the naive and ignorant, he felt that once again he could worm his way out of a tight spot. Now because of the Weasels and peace marchers giving heart to Saddam, war is quite inevitable.
Of Course, this is all hindsight and speculation. But while I'm in that mode, my observation on how hostilities may begin. As of this writing the administration is deciding whether or not to give Saddam a deadline, 72 hours, to comply. Whether this limitation is set or not, is really unimportant. Saddam thinks, one way or the other he as 72 hours. And his experience in Desert Storm I was that immediately after the deadline passes, the bombs start to fall. I would let him think just that and perhaps carry out a few heavy sorties around the country every night to make him wonder, "is this it?" But the moon is full now, not a good environment for our night fighting armies and air forces. So make him keep his troops on high alert for weeks, and then deliver the main thrust. Nothing wears troops in defensive postions out quicker than being on alert for weeks on end.
There are two military geniuses from Midland, Texas.....myself and Gen. Tommy Franks and Tommy has the reins so I'll leave the details to him. He is up to the job!