Thought for the Day....
Though it appears that the "protesters" are large in number.....they are mostly naive nitwits and they are still the minority. But the numbers of fact thinking sane individuals who believe that Saddam is a real menace, is much larger, much larger! It would just not seem right to have the majority marching, "For War".
And what about those "human shields"? The thought among sane fact thinking individuals is that they are the lowest of the low. But what, just what if they are working for the CIA? This thought has crossed my mind. This would be he ultimate "cover", Saddam welcoming his comrade allies and they placing Peace Banners on the bridges, public works and buildings. Banners with microchips embedded so that smart weapons could home in on them. Just a thought. A pleasant thought, instead of just thinking that they are the naive scum they probably are.
Though it appears that the "protesters" are large in number.....they are mostly naive nitwits and they are still the minority. But the numbers of fact thinking sane individuals who believe that Saddam is a real menace, is much larger, much larger! It would just not seem right to have the majority marching, "For War".
And what about those "human shields"? The thought among sane fact thinking individuals is that they are the lowest of the low. But what, just what if they are working for the CIA? This thought has crossed my mind. This would be he ultimate "cover", Saddam welcoming his comrade allies and they placing Peace Banners on the bridges, public works and buildings. Banners with microchips embedded so that smart weapons could home in on them. Just a thought. A pleasant thought, instead of just thinking that they are the naive scum they probably are.