Well it seems as if the massive "human shield" effort has arrived in Iraq. Well 14 shields have arrived. Here are some comments from these rocket scientists.
Canadian Roberta Taman said. "I'm here because I believe that the world wants peace and that we can achieve peace." But she added, "I'm outa' here in case of war, I'm no martyr". That's the spirit Roberta, moral committment!
Worried about Iraq's water supply European ignoramus, Ignacio Cano of Spain says, "A country that can hardly provide water for its citizens cannot be a threat to the world," Well gee whiz you dumb Spanish dirtball, maybe they would have a water supply if Saddam didn't spend all his money on palaces, statues of himself and military hardware. And this from a Euromoron whose country still allows torturing of animals for sport.
Standing on the bridge, Iraq Peace Team leader Kathy Kelly of Chicago said, "You can imagine what this city would be like if it were cut off when some people need desperately to get to a hospital or to connect with the people on the other side". OOOOO scary thought Kathy, war is hell when people can't get to the other side of a bridge to connect, this completely changes things and the administration may now have second thoughts about purging the world of a crazed psychopath.
HEADLINE NEWS: George Bush didn't realize that war might mean people couldn't connect....orders troops home!
Some of the activists charge that the Geneva Conventions governing the practices of war make it a crime to attack facilities essential to civilian life.
Dear Shield: would this include the Kurdish human body and Kurdish homes. Just a thought for you to consider.
But on the positive side for the forces of good, "The campaigners, organized as the Iraq Peace Team, have been draping banners over public facilities in Baghdad this week — an electricity station, a water treatment plant and, on Thursday, the Martyrs Bridge over the Tigris.
Dear Shields, thank you, draping large banners over the public facilities surely helps in target acquisition.
Well it seems as if the massive "human shield" effort has arrived in Iraq. Well 14 shields have arrived. Here are some comments from these rocket scientists.
Canadian Roberta Taman said. "I'm here because I believe that the world wants peace and that we can achieve peace." But she added, "I'm outa' here in case of war, I'm no martyr". That's the spirit Roberta, moral committment!
Worried about Iraq's water supply European ignoramus, Ignacio Cano of Spain says, "A country that can hardly provide water for its citizens cannot be a threat to the world," Well gee whiz you dumb Spanish dirtball, maybe they would have a water supply if Saddam didn't spend all his money on palaces, statues of himself and military hardware. And this from a Euromoron whose country still allows torturing of animals for sport.
Standing on the bridge, Iraq Peace Team leader Kathy Kelly of Chicago said, "You can imagine what this city would be like if it were cut off when some people need desperately to get to a hospital or to connect with the people on the other side". OOOOO scary thought Kathy, war is hell when people can't get to the other side of a bridge to connect, this completely changes things and the administration may now have second thoughts about purging the world of a crazed psychopath.
HEADLINE NEWS: George Bush didn't realize that war might mean people couldn't connect....orders troops home!
Some of the activists charge that the Geneva Conventions governing the practices of war make it a crime to attack facilities essential to civilian life.
Dear Shield: would this include the Kurdish human body and Kurdish homes. Just a thought for you to consider.
But on the positive side for the forces of good, "The campaigners, organized as the Iraq Peace Team, have been draping banners over public facilities in Baghdad this week — an electricity station, a water treatment plant and, on Thursday, the Martyrs Bridge over the Tigris.
Dear Shields, thank you, draping large banners over the public facilities surely helps in target acquisition.