Thursday, February 27, 2003

Fountain Pen of Memories...

Call me an ignorant West Texas yokel, but what the hell are the people in New York thinking about when they want to build something like this as a memorial to September 11th victims? From this angle it looks like a fountain pen with fungus.

The project features "....a tower 1,776 feet tall, symbolic for the year of American independence, that would demonstrate the durability of democracy, while the top floors would be filled with indoor gardens as a "confirmation of life." The tower would be the world's tallest". Excuse my naive thinking but a monstrosity like this, an expensive fairly useless monstrosity at that, doesn't demonstrate the durability of squat except stupidity and having plants growing 1500 feet in the air confirms only my belief that good sense in New York is still a rare commodity. And here we go again with the having the "world's tallest building" syndrome...this just two years after the worlds second tallest twin towers came tumbling down. I suppose that the thinking is that terrorists won't be interested in flying planes into a building full of plants.

I have been to a fair number of memorials in my life and I think that the most "memorial" of all of these is the Arlington National Cemetary. Plain, pastoral and unadorned except for the graves of those who have served their country well. This tells it all, and has never failed to bring a tear to my eye. Tears of saddness and of pride. The thousands of simple markers tell the story of the Nation's sacrifices far better than a plant filled fountain pen.

"No blood for Megabucks Memorials"