Buy Croatian....
Now is the time for Americans to put up or shut up concering the neferious slitherings of our erstwhile allies, France, Germany and now Belgium. We liberated two of these countries in 1944 and completely rebuilt the other after whupping their ass fair and square, and we didn't have to do that. Now they say they're not interested in helping us out in destroying a demon state, because they just remembered that they don't like us and what have we done for them lately. OK, but now we Americans must do what we do best, which is apply economic pressure...and you can help. Do your best not to buy products from these jellyfish. As we say in Texas, "money talks, and bullshit walks".
I intend to boycott products from these countries and am compiling a mental list of things I intend not to buy from them. But you know it's a fairly tough job, especially concerning France and Belgium. I don't buy anything that I am aware of from France or Belgium anyway. I suppose I'll have to Google up some dot.FR domains, and write to them and tell them that although I've never heard of their product and wouldn't buy it anyway, now I'm really not gonna' buy it. The French pride themselves on wine, cheese and women's underwear and I don't need any of these, but if I did we have great women's undergarment businesses here in the States. They make cars, at least I think they still do, but Puegeot's and Renault's were, no offense intended here, worthless pieces of scrap, the Renault's being only a small step up from a Vespa. I'm really searching here to remember anything that France does make, that is of neccessity. Help me out, if you think of anything, drop me a wire.
Now the economy of Belgium is an even more mysterious subject. I know that they used to be famous for lace. And in fact, I have a beautiful lace table cloth from Belgium that was my grandmothers, it's a work of art. And I have a small crystal duck from Bruge purchased for me long ago by friends who visited Belgium. So...I know that they make lace and crystal ducks. What else do they do? Export drugs I believe, but I don't think they should do that. I hope that someone reads this and can point me in the direction of a company in Belgium that actually makes something that we use and couldn't do without. Then I'll have the pleasure of emailing them and telling them that I just found out that they make a product that I can't do without, but I will because I'm not buying it.
German goods are more obvious in their boycottablity, for the Germans actually do make some useful products. Overpriced but useful. The Germans are technicians, engineers and builders. They have some quality items on the international market and ones that I could use. For example, we recently looked at some German electric generating equipment which was state of the art and a thing of beauty, overpriced but great equipment. I hope we still have the email address of the company who tried to sell it to us, I'd like to write them and tell them that due to their national government policy, we won't be buying it. Of course, we weren't going to was overpriced.
I would like to think that recent German actions and opinions on the world stage are merely a lapse during a bad time in their national consciousness, a final cleansing action concerning their angst at starting several world wars. But I'm still boycotting their products. That's why I'm emailing the Mercedes-Benz headquarters and telling them that I was going to buy 2 or 3 of their cars this year, but due to their government policies they can just kiss that order adios, I've decided to buy an Austin Mini-Cooper from our good true friends the English.
The next phase of the boycott is to find products to buy that come from our new good friends in Denmark and the Baltic States. I think the Danes make some neat stuff in the "artsy" area and of course they have great dogs. I'm sure I'll find something useful from Croatia also, it may take some searching but I just know there is some product that the Croats are famous for, and I'm gonna' buy me some of it.
Now is the time for Americans to put up or shut up concering the neferious slitherings of our erstwhile allies, France, Germany and now Belgium. We liberated two of these countries in 1944 and completely rebuilt the other after whupping their ass fair and square, and we didn't have to do that. Now they say they're not interested in helping us out in destroying a demon state, because they just remembered that they don't like us and what have we done for them lately. OK, but now we Americans must do what we do best, which is apply economic pressure...and you can help. Do your best not to buy products from these jellyfish. As we say in Texas, "money talks, and bullshit walks".
I intend to boycott products from these countries and am compiling a mental list of things I intend not to buy from them. But you know it's a fairly tough job, especially concerning France and Belgium. I don't buy anything that I am aware of from France or Belgium anyway. I suppose I'll have to Google up some dot.FR domains, and write to them and tell them that although I've never heard of their product and wouldn't buy it anyway, now I'm really not gonna' buy it. The French pride themselves on wine, cheese and women's underwear and I don't need any of these, but if I did we have great women's undergarment businesses here in the States. They make cars, at least I think they still do, but Puegeot's and Renault's were, no offense intended here, worthless pieces of scrap, the Renault's being only a small step up from a Vespa. I'm really searching here to remember anything that France does make, that is of neccessity. Help me out, if you think of anything, drop me a wire.
Now the economy of Belgium is an even more mysterious subject. I know that they used to be famous for lace. And in fact, I have a beautiful lace table cloth from Belgium that was my grandmothers, it's a work of art. And I have a small crystal duck from Bruge purchased for me long ago by friends who visited Belgium. So...I know that they make lace and crystal ducks. What else do they do? Export drugs I believe, but I don't think they should do that. I hope that someone reads this and can point me in the direction of a company in Belgium that actually makes something that we use and couldn't do without. Then I'll have the pleasure of emailing them and telling them that I just found out that they make a product that I can't do without, but I will because I'm not buying it.
German goods are more obvious in their boycottablity, for the Germans actually do make some useful products. Overpriced but useful. The Germans are technicians, engineers and builders. They have some quality items on the international market and ones that I could use. For example, we recently looked at some German electric generating equipment which was state of the art and a thing of beauty, overpriced but great equipment. I hope we still have the email address of the company who tried to sell it to us, I'd like to write them and tell them that due to their national government policy, we won't be buying it. Of course, we weren't going to was overpriced.
I would like to think that recent German actions and opinions on the world stage are merely a lapse during a bad time in their national consciousness, a final cleansing action concerning their angst at starting several world wars. But I'm still boycotting their products. That's why I'm emailing the Mercedes-Benz headquarters and telling them that I was going to buy 2 or 3 of their cars this year, but due to their government policies they can just kiss that order adios, I've decided to buy an Austin Mini-Cooper from our good true friends the English.
The next phase of the boycott is to find products to buy that come from our new good friends in Denmark and the Baltic States. I think the Danes make some neat stuff in the "artsy" area and of course they have great dogs. I'm sure I'll find something useful from Croatia also, it may take some searching but I just know there is some product that the Croats are famous for, and I'm gonna' buy me some of it.