The Ingoramus Factor
Warning:I generally refrain from profanity in my literature, but I reserve the right to use it here
Once again, for the third time in several years, our community is facing a multi-million dollar bond election for improvements to our school facilities. The past two tries at this have failed, the last probably because it was excessively ambitious and expensive. It would have renovated many 50 year old schools, built several new schools including a new high school to replace the 70 year old model, and provided many more classrooms and facilities. The upcoming election faces really the bare bones of keeping the school buildings operating, building a new elementary school where one is needed and adding more space for classrooms.
The outcome of the election is open for debate. There are three sides to this, two with legitimate arguments. The "Pro's" know we need more classrooms for our enlarged population, and know that 50 year old school buildings only last so long, especially when overcrowded. The "Con's" argue that although we need new facilities, this is not the package to do it with, or that too much money is being spent. I am a "Pro" but I can and do listen to the "Con" arguments, there should be two sides to any debate. And the third group, who will be the deciding factor in the election are the Ignoramuses or Ignorami.
Early voting is now underway and in order to gauge the community's attitude on this, our crack 6 o'clock TeeVee news team was outside the county voting office talking with the early voters. My first hint of what is to come went like this.
Talking Head: "Sir, Ma'am, may we ask how you voted?"
Mr. and Mrs. Ig Noramus: "Well, yup we voted NO!"
Head: "And may we ask, what were your reasons?"
Iggy: "You bet, we think that they shoulda' just taken better care of them school buildings".
My first thought, right off the top was, you ignorant son of a bitch. Do you still live in the same house you lived in 50 years ago? Did you ever have to pay for major repairs to your stinkin' shack, or add on to the shack. Do you still have the same car you had 50 years ago driving it without any repairs because you took such good care of ignorant stinkin' son of a bitch. You probably live in a trailer park and throw your old trailer in the county dump when it's worn out and then go buy yourself a new one on credit. Ingoramus! And that was just my first thought. My second thought, on some reflection, is that sadly this election will be decided by the ignorant.
There have apparently always been ignorami in this world; read Mark Twain, he is a fount of 19th century ignorami identification. It's just that I've had so much higher hopes for the world in this age of communication, the internet and everybody has to go to college. But, I think, the Ignoramus Factor has indeed gotten worse, rather than better. What better example than our most well known people, who are unfortunately not world leaders but singers, movie and teevee people. Many are spouting off about the outrage of a possible war with Iraq, when I doubt that one year ago most could have pointed it out on a map. The winner of today's Igno Personality Award is to one Ms. Sheryl Crowe, who is against the war, because in her own words, "We shouldn't have enemies". Good reasoning Sheryl you Ignorant SLxx".
Warning:I generally refrain from profanity in my literature, but I reserve the right to use it here
Once again, for the third time in several years, our community is facing a multi-million dollar bond election for improvements to our school facilities. The past two tries at this have failed, the last probably because it was excessively ambitious and expensive. It would have renovated many 50 year old schools, built several new schools including a new high school to replace the 70 year old model, and provided many more classrooms and facilities. The upcoming election faces really the bare bones of keeping the school buildings operating, building a new elementary school where one is needed and adding more space for classrooms.
The outcome of the election is open for debate. There are three sides to this, two with legitimate arguments. The "Pro's" know we need more classrooms for our enlarged population, and know that 50 year old school buildings only last so long, especially when overcrowded. The "Con's" argue that although we need new facilities, this is not the package to do it with, or that too much money is being spent. I am a "Pro" but I can and do listen to the "Con" arguments, there should be two sides to any debate. And the third group, who will be the deciding factor in the election are the Ignoramuses or Ignorami.
Early voting is now underway and in order to gauge the community's attitude on this, our crack 6 o'clock TeeVee news team was outside the county voting office talking with the early voters. My first hint of what is to come went like this.
Talking Head: "Sir, Ma'am, may we ask how you voted?"
Mr. and Mrs. Ig Noramus: "Well, yup we voted NO!"
Head: "And may we ask, what were your reasons?"
Iggy: "You bet, we think that they shoulda' just taken better care of them school buildings".
My first thought, right off the top was, you ignorant son of a bitch. Do you still live in the same house you lived in 50 years ago? Did you ever have to pay for major repairs to your stinkin' shack, or add on to the shack. Do you still have the same car you had 50 years ago driving it without any repairs because you took such good care of ignorant stinkin' son of a bitch. You probably live in a trailer park and throw your old trailer in the county dump when it's worn out and then go buy yourself a new one on credit. Ingoramus! And that was just my first thought. My second thought, on some reflection, is that sadly this election will be decided by the ignorant.
There have apparently always been ignorami in this world; read Mark Twain, he is a fount of 19th century ignorami identification. It's just that I've had so much higher hopes for the world in this age of communication, the internet and everybody has to go to college. But, I think, the Ignoramus Factor has indeed gotten worse, rather than better. What better example than our most well known people, who are unfortunately not world leaders but singers, movie and teevee people. Many are spouting off about the outrage of a possible war with Iraq, when I doubt that one year ago most could have pointed it out on a map. The winner of today's Igno Personality Award is to one Ms. Sheryl Crowe, who is against the war, because in her own words, "We shouldn't have enemies". Good reasoning Sheryl you Ignorant SLxx".