Monday, January 06, 2003

A graphic display......
Why I have never used the Google Image Search capability I can't say. Ignorance I suppose. But today my brother the rocket scientist [quite literally, he works for NASA] sent me an email explaining all the little nuances of the worlds best search engine. I forget all the nuances, but the Image Search is all I need. I'm a graphic kind of guy, do oodles of photography and like to photomorph famous heads on obscure bodies. So being able to find pictures of famous heads is important to me. This sure does the trick.

First I did a search for my friend, famous author, Joe Galloway . No problem, in 00.58 seconds it pulled up pages of Joe Galloway pictures....some even from my websites. Next I tried my name, Wallace, again many Walli, and even some of me. But the real winner was in my search for images of my better half, Julie. When I entered Julie I came up with the mother lode of all Julies worldwide. There were an estimated 8000 Julies portrayed somewhere on line. Blonde Julies, dark haired Julies, muscle babe Julies, dog Julies, horse Julies, Julies with and without sweethearts, business Julies, casual Julies. But I did notice that by and large, Julies tend to be well educated. Many of the graphic Julies were associated with websites. There were also many fashion Julies. And maybe it was just my imagination but many seemed to be blonde also.

I have to say that I only got through approximately 1000 Julie thumbnail pictures before I became Julied out. I was looking for my Julie and I'll bet she's there. Maybe if you have time you can click this Julie and find her.