Scrooge strikes......!!
If anyone out there is still wondering what to get me for Christmas, here's an idea. I really need a barf bag. With only three days remaining until Christmas I was beginning to get into the Yuletide spirit. Julie has helped me get almost to even on my Christmas shopping, I've invited the folks over for Christmas dinner, and I've even received my first gift, a beautiful leather desk chair for my office at home.....compliments of the same Christmas angel, Julie.
And then this morning I read this. CNN reports that with Al "let me be your pal" Gore out of the race, Democratic voters polled now favor Hillary Clinton as their choice to head their party's presidential ticket. I had to ask myself a simple question, "What the $%#^# are these morons thinking?" I am really dumbfounded and have little to report on this matter except that Hillary is disgusting. And a coniving witch of greater proportions than her husband the ScumBag was. And, to me, she's a whole lot scarier, because she's probably a whole lot smarter. Like many people, I think that she masterminded much of Billy Boys rise to power from behind the scenes. Of course, she says she will not be a candidate in 2004, but if you believe this, you also don't believe they serve fried Twinkies in Arkansas.
Why, oh why, would they release this poll just days before Christmas? How can one enjoy the Yule season with the thought of Hillary as the next president? Not that I'm against a woman in the Oval Office. I'm not. I just happen to think that when the time comes the woman elected ought to have morals, ethics, a sense of humor, be somewhat of a babe, and ought not to have redwood stumps for legs.
If anyone out there is still wondering what to get me for Christmas, here's an idea. I really need a barf bag. With only three days remaining until Christmas I was beginning to get into the Yuletide spirit. Julie has helped me get almost to even on my Christmas shopping, I've invited the folks over for Christmas dinner, and I've even received my first gift, a beautiful leather desk chair for my office at home.....compliments of the same Christmas angel, Julie.
And then this morning I read this. CNN reports that with Al "let me be your pal" Gore out of the race, Democratic voters polled now favor Hillary Clinton as their choice to head their party's presidential ticket. I had to ask myself a simple question, "What the $%#^# are these morons thinking?" I am really dumbfounded and have little to report on this matter except that Hillary is disgusting. And a coniving witch of greater proportions than her husband the ScumBag was. And, to me, she's a whole lot scarier, because she's probably a whole lot smarter. Like many people, I think that she masterminded much of Billy Boys rise to power from behind the scenes. Of course, she says she will not be a candidate in 2004, but if you believe this, you also don't believe they serve fried Twinkies in Arkansas.
Why, oh why, would they release this poll just days before Christmas? How can one enjoy the Yule season with the thought of Hillary as the next president? Not that I'm against a woman in the Oval Office. I'm not. I just happen to think that when the time comes the woman elected ought to have morals, ethics, a sense of humor, be somewhat of a babe, and ought not to have redwood stumps for legs.