Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Hasta la vista Al....
It was completely unexpected last Sunday evening as I tried to catch a moment of "60 Minutes". There was Al Gore abdicating his throne as the Democratic Presidential Candidate. Al acted sincere, saying that he had talked it over with his family and just plain decided not to run..adding that he thought he could be of more service to his country in other ways. I think that all of maybe 3 people will believe this. Here's a guy who got 50% of the vote and would have sued the Pope to become President the last time around, and now he says, "what the heck, I think I'll be of more service elsewhere." It's obvious that the Democratic Party powers to be decided that Al was just not the man they needed this time. Perhaps the light has dawned that he forever will be linked with Billy Clinton and the old liberal wing of the party...and they want to change that image. Who knows.

Now I will be cruxified by certain people I know, and some readers, for saying this, but on a purely personal level I have always liked Al somehow. And at one time, before she bulked up, Tipper was kind of a hot babe, as far as hot babes go in the political world. Al is interested in some of the issues I am, like the environment and the Internet. Al wants clean water, air, coastlines and to preserve somethings in their natural state. So do I. Al invented the Internet, and I am a big user of the Internet. We would have things to chat about. And he has had the guts to make fun of himself in public, something that is lacking in most politicians of all persuasions.

Having said that, I'll tell you why, besides possibly being a nice guy outside of politics, Al is still a political schmuck. In his short interview on 60 Minutes Sunday, the one political point of negativity he made about our beloved President Dubya Bush was this: "Bush is using the threat of war with Iraq as a means of deflecting the attention of the American people from the real number one problem today, his [Bush's] inability to fix our downtrodden economy".

Oh Al paaleeease! Thank God you are not President and will not run again. I will state here for the record that under the US system of government, the President really has nothing to do with the economy in the short in the four years he's in office. The last [and perhaps only] President who had real power over the economy was FDR, and only because he had the government virtually take over the economy lock, stock, and bank. Policies that the President may initiate take years to effect change in the economy. In case Al hasn't been much of a reader on economics...businesses and therefore the economy runs in cycles of their own making based on an infinite number of variables. We are currently in a down cycle..get used to it and run up your credit card debt. And would I want a President who thinks that the soft economy is a bigger problem than the war on terrorism? Thank you hanging chads, no!!

And to actually and publically comment that a US President is drumming up a war, with all it's hell, just so the American people will forget about a bad economy [and really not all that bad, if you tally up SUV and home sales] is at best naive and more probably inexcusable. Al might be a good guy to go fishing with for a day, but I'm afraid his brain has been corrupted by his mentor and king of sleazy politics, Billy Boy Clinton. Go fishing Al.