Thursday, December 12, 2002

The butt of a joke...
This is an Official Consumer Warningİ to the male readers in the audience. DO NOT buy Greg Peters brand slacks. This is warning based on actual experience, and the experience I had today is that the butt-end of the things will smooth disintegrate on ya'. I had liked these slacks and had in fact only had them for no more than a month when the ass end of the things went south on me.

As I walked out of our office building, Lupe our maintenance supervisor was walking behind me as were several female office workers. Lupe, being a man of discretion, waited until the ladies were within ear range, and then with much tact said, "are you going home now?" I replied that "yes, I was". "Good", he said, "'cause you ain't got no butt in those pants". And you know he was right. Although "no butt" was not entirely correct. I had about 32% butt left. However the other 68% was just plain gone....vanished to wherever cloth goes when it's not there anymore.

The slacks were made in China, so I suppose I'm not to surprised at the vanishing cloth. I've always heard that the Chinese don't mind going around bare assed. And it's not as bad as it could have been. I could have been in a meeting with my friends and partners who are a very loving and caring lot, who would have said that they understood, but then would have never let me forget this. And I'm glad I wore underwear today...! It's one of those times that you hear your Mother's voice telling you about the reasons for having clean underwear on.