Monday, November 11, 2002

Veteran's Day
Didn't I make you proud,
go and lay my life down,
when they called my name.

I thought I stood for something,
thought I was doing the right thing,
when I went away.

Why do folks sit in judgement,
when they ain't seen the things I've seen,
ain't done the things I've done.

Didn't I burn,
didn't I bleed enough for you,
I faced your fears, I felt your pain,
so you wouldn't have to,
Didn't I do my best

-Montgomery Gentry-
-We Were Soldiers-

Veteran's Day is, unfortunately for many, just another chance to get a day off from work. It shouldn't be. If you are thankful for your freedom thank a Veteran. Whether the Vet saw combat or not, he gave up part of his life so that we can live in freedom. He stood tall to protect all the things that we hold dear. I have been blessed to know Veteran's stretching from World War I to the new War on Terrorism. I served with soldiers in the Vietnam era, they are still among my closest friends. They are America's best.

I attend occasional reunions of Army Veteran's, including the reunion of the survivors of one of the most vicious battles in American history, the Ia Drang in Vietnam, upon which the recent film We Were Soldiers was based. Mainly just ordinary guys who performed extraordinary deeds. As would be expected there is some "war talk" about how tough it was and, of course, about the friends lost. But, frankly, much of the conversation is about families, jobs, and how good life is today, which is the way it should be....that's what we were fighting and giving our lives for. Whenever he meets a Veteran, a man who I am proud to call a friend, General Hal Moore who was played by Mel Gibson in the film, always has one thing he say's without fail. "Thank you for your service". A good idea for all Americans. Freedom is not free!

You might like to watch this Tribute to our service personnel.