Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Well there certainly is much to be spleenful and angrily vociferous about in the world. After all it's occupied by a great big boat load full of too many morons and idiots. But I really couldn't pick one particular topic to be angrily vociferous about today so I decided to do a Seinfeld blog and write about really nothing. Except tranquility. I read too many BLogs on the web, half of them are really good, because they agree with my viewpoints. The other half are written by lame-brained half wits, no actually more like quarter wit dumbwads....these don't agree with my viewpoint.
I get really upset with these, putting me in a bad mood. I don't want to be in a bad mood, so I'm going to lay off them for awhile and meditate.


There I feel better. So now I can think better thoughts. Today is my good friend, Famous Author, Joe Galloway's birthday. After winding down from the big yearlong We Were Soldiers movie experience, Joe was looking for something meaningful to do, but not looking too hard. Like so often when we're not looking for anything, too hard, something finds us. Joe is now heading up the "in case of war" news desk for Knight-Ridder Newspapers. Right up his War Correspondant alley. And he doesn't have to actually go this time. Which is good, because his wife told him that if he went to another war, if the bad guys didn't kill him......she would.

Joe is heading down next week to interview our hometown Midland, Texas boy, Gen. Tommy Franks. Then in December he's going to South America with one of my other best long time friends Gen. Tom Hill, who commands all forces in that hemisphere. I wish I were going. Life is full of coincidence and this is one of them. I know Joe and Tom from completely different times in my life, then they meet n Iraq in 1991 and become friendly and find out from each other that they both know me. So how come I'm not invited to South America? Oh well, I'm going to Santa Fe with a young blonde babe Friday, and they're not. It equals out.....I'm tranquil.