It Snot Right
First, in the spirit of the holiday, Thanksgiving, let me state that it was a very good day spent with family and dog. A visit to my folks with Julie, and then dinner with Julie's folks, her kids and her brother and sister-in-law. Very pleasant and low keyed, the way I prefer. And I am one for giving thanks, or more as I term it "an attitude of gratitude" for all that I am privelaged to have and enjoy. I truly try and practice this every day, for I have for more in my life than I deserve.
And I have gratitude that one day soon I will feel better. Future gratitude for things to come if you will, for I have felt lousy for the last several days thanks to the Common Cold. Uncommon for me, however, and I have to admit I'm a weinie about colds because I have them so rarely. I would rather be really sick, with gut wrenching puking and bedridden with nausea than to have a cold like this one. With gut wrenching puking, at least it's over for awhile until the next attack. This cold is unrelenting. My nose is 95% ineffective in sucking in air, and thanks be to God that he gave us an alternative for obtaining air with our mouths or else I would be suffocated and dead. It has given me panic attacks as it reminds me of the time I almost drowned...not a good experience.
I've had so much "snot" [scientific name: mucouso malignantitis] that when I blow it all out in a gigantic glob, within 3 minutes, tops, my nose is completely full of it again. This is not a pretty picture I grant you, but it is true, and is added, hopefully, to generate some sympathy for my plight. I do feel that it is breaking slightly, as I have moments now when my nose is approximately 45% effective in sucking in air, and Julie has given me Mentholatum, which eases the snot factor. So if I wake up suffocated it's not her fault.
First, in the spirit of the holiday, Thanksgiving, let me state that it was a very good day spent with family and dog. A visit to my folks with Julie, and then dinner with Julie's folks, her kids and her brother and sister-in-law. Very pleasant and low keyed, the way I prefer. And I am one for giving thanks, or more as I term it "an attitude of gratitude" for all that I am privelaged to have and enjoy. I truly try and practice this every day, for I have for more in my life than I deserve.
And I have gratitude that one day soon I will feel better. Future gratitude for things to come if you will, for I have felt lousy for the last several days thanks to the Common Cold. Uncommon for me, however, and I have to admit I'm a weinie about colds because I have them so rarely. I would rather be really sick, with gut wrenching puking and bedridden with nausea than to have a cold like this one. With gut wrenching puking, at least it's over for awhile until the next attack. This cold is unrelenting. My nose is 95% ineffective in sucking in air, and thanks be to God that he gave us an alternative for obtaining air with our mouths or else I would be suffocated and dead. It has given me panic attacks as it reminds me of the time I almost drowned...not a good experience.
I've had so much "snot" [scientific name: mucouso malignantitis] that when I blow it all out in a gigantic glob, within 3 minutes, tops, my nose is completely full of it again. This is not a pretty picture I grant you, but it is true, and is added, hopefully, to generate some sympathy for my plight. I do feel that it is breaking slightly, as I have moments now when my nose is approximately 45% effective in sucking in air, and Julie has given me Mentholatum, which eases the snot factor. So if I wake up suffocated it's not her fault.