Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Home again....
It was sad to leave Santa Fe, it being one of the best places on earth to be. It must do my karma well being there. From the golden light, to the smell of piņon pine smoke in the air, to the feeling of just being somewhere where people appreciate the finer things in life...like piņon smoke and golden light. And oh yes, the art. Santa Fe is truly one of the art capitals of the world. Not so much in museums [though there are those], but rather in just plain art for sale. There are 100's if not in the 1000's of art galleries and shops. And I dare say more photo galleries per capita than any other city. Great photos too. Ansel Adams, Steiglitz, Weston, Curtiss to name a few.

We had a great time, highlighted by our train trip from Santa Fe to Lamy, a nice leisurely jaunt riding in our choice of a 1950's Domeliner, a 1928 mahogany encased coach, or my personnal favorite, the flatcar. It was a might cool riding outside in 40° weather but worth every minute to get some great photos of my own.

But it is good to get back home, especially to see the Big Gold Dog. I have to be honest, the Dog is one reason I don't travel more. It's easier to leave a child at home than a Dog. Children understand that you'll be back, Dog's don't have that concept. And the Dog is more than grateful to be back in his familiar surroundings. So glad that he is back to sleeping in the bed, something that he hasn't done for a year.
A glimpse of the trip can be viewed at: The Santa Fe trip.